by Discount Bluehost

CORE Pipeline Management

CENDEC Pipeyard Manager (CPM) is a materials manamgent system that is tailored to the unique needs of pipeyards. CPM provides you with the capability to see your yard inventory by who owns it, what it is, its condition, where it needs to go and any services you clients require you to perform for them (including the associated costs).
The system uses work orders to track what is coming in from your clients. This includes: who it's coming from, the date expected, the approximate quantity, and any services that needs to be performed. Tracking the various services that you perform and their associated costs allows CPM to provide you with any historical information and supporting documentation that you require when managing your billing process. The system also has the capability to manage rate sheets and service costs based on various criteria (ie: the type of service performed and the client it is being performed for).
CPM tracks all of the inventory that you store in your yard. This gives you the ability to easily validate what you are holding for each client. You can determine where the items came from, what condition it is in, and what services you have performed on them.
The product also allows you to facilitate the buying / selling of the inventory that you are holding for your clients. You can provide them with the information that they need on the items you are holding for them in your yard to help them acquire or sell surplus stock while acting as a "firewall" between the buyer and the seller, ensuring that sensitive client information (such as well information) is not passed on to the new owner.
Bill of Ladings (BOLs) are easily created with the system to specify item details such as its description, condition, quantity, joints, transporter, and truck numbers. Tally sheets can be attached to BOLs, allowing you to track the length of each joint as it is shipped out.
CPM gives you the ability to report on the important information that your business needs. Reporting allows you to:

  • View yard inventory by client
  • View complete work history for each item
  • Track in/outs by clients
  • Track services by client
  • Customize forms for ISO compliance, WO, BOL, Tally sheets, etc.
  • Export information to E-mail and Excel easily

 Those who use CPM also enjoy the added benefit of not having to implement expensive IT infrastructure, as CENDEC will host and manage the product for you. This means that we can integrate seamlessly with your business without the need for you to purchase expensive server equipment and hire someone to manage it. All that is required is an internet connection.